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World's Leading Industry Corporation

One Industry All Solution

About Us

Trading and Manufacturing Excellence With Quality At It's Best!

PT RIX Orient Indonesia (RID) are trading company subdiaries company RIX Corporation Japan. We are specialized in industrial equipment, components and consumables that are used in large manufacture industries such as Automotive, Steel and Rubber/Tire industries since 2018.

Why You Should Choose

Product from Worldwide

RIX Orient Indonesia provides products not only from our manufacturing section in Japan but also various suppliers around the world.

Customers Oriented

We are work closely with our customers, we will provide, support and help you spot the problems and needs, and offer effective solutions.


We can also create innovative solutions by collaborating with and integrating products with various suppliers.

Our Products

Our Contributions

Industries We Serve!


You can access our contacts details and request for quote to our team.

Yes, RIX provides consultation. For certain projects, which are subject to size and other considerations, we can customize according to requirements.

Yes, RIX could do shipment outside Jakarta. The included areas are major cities in DKI Jakarta, Tangerang, West Java, Central Java.

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